Learn Laravel MCQs

Prepare Laravel MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is Laravel?

1) A programming language

2) A PHP framework

3) A database

4) A front-end library

Answer : Option 2

Which command is used to create a new Laravel project?

1) composer create-project

2) php artisan new

3) npm init laravel

4) composer new-project

Answer : Option 1

Which templating engine is used in Laravel?

1) Twig

2) Smarty

3) Blade

4) Handlebars

Answer : Option 3

How do you run Laravel development server?

1) php artisan serve

2) php run server

3) composer serve

4) php artisan start

Answer : Option 1

What is the default database system used by Laravel?

1) PostgreSQL

2) SQLite

3) MySQL

4) SQL Server

Answer : Option 3

Which method is used to define a route in Laravel?

1) Route::get()

2) Route::new()

3) Route::create()

4) Route::path()

Answer : Option 1

Which folder contains views in Laravel?

1) routes

2) app

3) resources/views

4) database

Answer : Option 3

Which command is used to run migrations in Laravel?

1) php artisan migrate

2) php artisan db:run

3) php artisan database:migrate

4) php migrate

Answer : Option 1

What does ORM stand for in Laravel?

1) Object Relation Manager

2) Object Relational Mapping

3) Optional Relational Mapping

4) Object Routing Module

Answer : Option 2

Which of the following is a Laravel feature for managing database schema?

1) Migrations

2) ORM

3) Collections

4) Services

Answer : Option 1