Learn J2EE MCQs

Prepare J2EE MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is the main role of a `Message-Driven Bean`?

1) To process messages asynchronously

2) To handle HTTP requests

3) To manage transactions

4) To define entities

Answer : To process messages asynchronously

Which method is used to start a transaction in JTA?

1) begin()

2) start()

3) init()

4) create()

Answer : begin()

What is the correct way to specify a filter in `web.xml`?

1) <filter>

2) <filter-mapping>

3) <servlet>

4) <listener>

Answer : <filter>

Which of the following annotations is used to define a RESTful web service in JAX-RS?

1) @Path

2) @RestController

3) @Service

4) @WebService

Answer : @Path

What does `@Autowired` annotation do in Spring?

1) Injects dependencies automatically

2) Creates beans

3) Defines a transaction

4) Handles requests

Answer : Injects dependencies automatically

Which of the following is used to configure a connection pool in J2EE?

1) DataSource

2) ConnectionFactory



Answer : DataSource

What does the `@PathVariable` annotation do in Spring MVC?

1) Extracts variables from URI

2) Handles HTTP methods

3) Injects request parameters

4) Defines a resource path

Answer : Extracts variables from URI

What is the correct way to send an HTTP response from a servlet?

1) response.getWriter().write("message")

2) response.send("message")

3) response.write("message")

4) response.output("message")

Answer : response.getWriter().write("message")

What is the role of the `HttpServlet` class?

1) To handle HTTP requests

2) To manage sessions

3) To define servlets

4) To implement EJB

Answer : To handle HTTP requests

What is the correct way to configure a JMS connection factory in JNDI?

1) context.bind("connectionFactory", factory)

2) context.create("connectionFactory")

3) context.lookup("connectionFactory")

4) context.init("connectionFactory")

Answer : context.lookup("connectionFactory")