Learn J2EE MCQs

Prepare J2EE MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

What is the use of `JPA` in J2EE?

1) For object-relational mapping

2) For creating web services

3) For sending messages

4) For managing HTTP requests

Answer : For object-relational mapping

What is the full form of `JMS` in J2EE?

1) Java Messaging Service

2) Java Messaging System

3) Java Method Service

4) Java Method System

Answer : Java Messaging Service

Which component of J2EE handles database connections?

1) Servlet

2) EJB


4) JSP

Answer : JDBC

What is the default HTTP method used by forms if not specified?


2) GET

3) PUT


Answer : GET

Which of the following is used for distributed computing in J2EE?

1) RMI

2) JMS


4) JSP

Answer : RMI

Which method in the `HttpServlet` class is used to handle both GET and POST requests?

1) doService()

2) doGet()

3) service()

4) doPost()

Answer : service()

Which type of EJB is designed to maintain a client’s state across method calls?

1) Stateful Session Bean

2) Stateless Session Bean

3) Entity Bean

4) Message-Driven Bean

Answer : Stateful Session Bean

What is the primary function of `JNDI` in J2EE?

1) Naming and Directory services

2) Session management

3) Message sending

4) Transaction management

Answer : Naming and Directory services

Which of the following is NOT a life cycle method of a servlet?

1) init()

2) destroy()

3) service()

4) execute()

Answer : execute()

What does the `@EJB` annotation in J2EE do?

1) Injects an EJB into the servlet

2) Defines an entity bean

3) Registers a servlet

4) Configures JPA

Answer : Injects an EJB into the servlet