Prepare HTML MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.
Which tag is used to define a paragraph in HTML?
1) <p>
2) <paragraph>
3) <para>
4) <text>
Answer : <p>
Which tag is used to define a hyperlink in HTML?
1) <a href="URL">
2) <link>
3) <url>
4) <anchor>
Answer : <a href="URL">
Which HTML attribute is used to define the relationship between the current document and an external resource?
1) rel
2) src
3) href
4) link
Answer : rel
What is the correct HTML element for the largest heading?
1) <h1>
2) <heading>
3) <h6>
4) <head>
Answer : <h1>
Which tag is used to create an image map in HTML?
1) <map>
2) <imgmap>
3) <img>
4) <maparea>
Answer : <map>
Which HTML element is used to specify a footer for a document?
1) <footer>
2) <bottom>
3) <foot>
4) <end>
Answer : <footer>
How do you create a checkbox in HTML?
1) <input type="checkbox">
2) <check>
3) <checkbox>
4) <input type="check">
Answer : <input type="checkbox">
Which tag is used to define an option in a dropdown list?
1) <option>
2) <select>
3) <dropdown>
4) <choice>
Answer : <option>
What is the correct HTML element to define emphasized text?
1) <em>
2) <italic>
3) <i>
4) <strong>
Answer : <em>
How can you specify a link that opens in a new tab?
1) <a href="URL" target="_blank">
2) <a href="URL" newtab="true">
3) <link href="URL" newtab>
4) <a target="_newtab">
Answer : <a href="URL" target="_blank">