Learn General Knowledge(GK) MCQs

Prepare General Knowledge(GK) MCQs (Multiple choice Questions) for exam and job interviews.

Who invented the telephone?

1) Alexander Graham Bell

2) Thomas Edison

3) Nikola Tesla

4) Guglielmo Marconi

Answer : Option 1

What is the capital of Turkey?

1) Ankara

2) Istanbul

3) Izmir

4) Antalya

Answer : Option 1

What is the most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere?

1) Nitrogen

2) Oxygen

3) Carbon Dioxide

4) Hydrogen

Answer : Option 1

Who was the first woman Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?

1) Margaret Thatcher

2) Indira Gandhi

3) Angela Merkel

4) Benazir Bhutto

Answer : Option 1

Which river flows through the Grand Canyon?

1) Colorado River

2) Mississippi River

3) Missouri River

4) Amazon River

Answer : Option 1

Who painted the "School of Athens"?

1) Raphael

2) Michelangelo

3) Leonardo da Vinci

4) Donatello

Answer : Option 1

Which planet is known for its rings?

1) Saturn

2) Jupiter

3) Uranus

4) Neptune

Answer : Option 1

Who is the author of the "Harry Potter" series?

1) J.K. Rowling

2) Suzanne Collins

3) George R.R. Martin

4) Rick Riordan

Answer : Option 1

What is the smallest bone in the human body?

1) Stapes

2) Fibula

3) Humerus

4) Radius

Answer : Option 1

Who discovered penicillin?

1) Alexander Fleming

2) Marie Curie

3) Louis Pasteur

4) Robert Koch

Answer : Option 1