PHP array_chunk() function
PHP array_chunk() function is used to split an array into chunks. The array_chunk() function is PHP built-in function....
PHP array_chunk() function is used to split an array into chunks. The array_chunk() function is PHP built-in function....
PHP array_rand() Function returns one or more random key from an array. The array_rand() is a built-in function of PHP....
PHP array_shift() Function...
PHP array_pop() Function is used to remove the last element of an array.The array_pop() is a built-in function of PHP....
PHP array_push() Function is used to push one or more elements into the end of array. The array_push() is a built-in function of PHP...
PHP htmlspecialchars_decode() Function converts the predefined HTML entities back to characters....
PHP htmlspecialchars() Function converts some predefined like &, <,>characters to HTML entities...
PHP htmlentities() Function converts some characters to HTML entities. ...
PHP chunk_split() Function...
PHP lcfirst() Function converts only the first character of a string into lowercase. The lcfirst() Function is php in-built function....
PHP ucfirst() Function converts only the first character of a string into uppercase....
PHP strtolower() Function makes all characters of string to lowercase....
PHP strtoupper() Function makes all characters of string to uppercase....
PHP ucwords() Function is used to convert the first character of each word to uppercase in string. The ucwords() is an in-built function of PHP....
PHP join() Function returns string with separator between two array elements....
PHP implode() Function is used to join array elements into string....
PHP explode() Function converts a string into an array....
PHP sha1_file() Function is used to generate the SHA-1 hash of a file. The sha1_file() function uses the US Secure Hash Algorithm 1....
PHP sha1() Function is used to generate the SHA-1 hash of a string. The sha1() function uses the US Secure Hash Algorithm 1....
PHP md5_file() Function returns the MD5 hash of the file....