PHP mysqli_fetch_assoc() Function
PHP mysqli_fetch_assoc() Function is used to fetch rows as an associative array from the database....
PHP mysqli_fetch_assoc() Function is used to fetch rows as an associative array from the database....
PHP mysqli_fetch_array() Function is used to fetch rows as a numeric array and as an associative or both array from the database....
PHP mysqli_connect_error() Function returns description of the error from the last connection incase of a failure. If the connection is successful, then it returns Null....
PHP mysqli_select_db() Function is used to choose database for the connection. Also You can select the default database using 4th parameter in mysqli_connect() function....
PHP mysqli_connect() Function is used to open a new connection to the MySQL server. mysqli_connect() establishes a connection with MySQL server and returns the connection as an object....
PHP mysqli_query() Function is used to execute mysql query on database. A mysqli_query() function is PHP built-in function....
PHP strtotime() Function is used to convert an English textual datetime into a Unix timestamp. A strtotime() function is PHP built-in function....
PHP file_get_contents() Function is used to read the contents of a file into a string. A file_get_contents() function is PHP built-in function....
PHP strpos() Function is used to find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. PHP strpos() function is PHP built-in function....
PHP str_replace() Function is used to replace all the occurrences of the search string or array of search strings by replacement string or array of replacement strings in the given string or array respectively. PHP str_replace() function is PHP built-in function....
PHP substr() Function is used to return a part of a string. PHP substr() function is PHP built-in function....
PHP unset() Function is used to unset a variable. PHP unset() function is PHP built-in function....
PHP isset() Function is used to check whether the variable is set or declared. Also checks a variable is empty. PHP isset() function is PHP built-in function....
PHP phpinfo() Function is used to check information about PHP's configuration, Predefined Variables, extensions, the PHP version, server information, environment, HTTP headers, and the PHP License etc....
PHP json_decode() Function is used to decode JSON array or a JSON object into a PHP object or an associative array. A json_decode() function is built-in function in PHP....
PHP json_encode() Function is used to encode array value to JSON format. A json_encode() function is built-in function in PHP....
PHP __clone() method is used to create a copy of an object. Objects are always passed by reference or address in Copy Constructor using __clone() method....
PHP abs() Function is used to get absolute (positive) value of numbers. A abs() function is built-in function in PHP....
PHP floor() Function is used to get round a number down to the nearest integer for floating-point number. A floor() function is built-in function in PHP....
PHP ceil() Function is used to get round a number up to the nearest integer. A ceil() function is built-in function in PHP....